Why hesitate between HR and Data Science when you can have both? Let’s face it, finding the right data scientist is hard. That is why Agilytic and Way HR are teaming up to provide you with a comprehensive way to help organizations internalize this crucial skill. Working as a unique pair of HR consultants + senior data scientists, we help you find the right profile all the way from the job description to the onboarding of your new hire. Let’s have a look…
Know who to look for
Everyone wants to use data more efficiently. Yet, few can define precisely their needs and wants. To make matters worse, the notion of "data scientist" stretched itself from engineering roles to project management positions. By sitting down with your business stakeholders, we help you define the ideal profile to match your objectives. Do you need a « full stack » data scientist? A project manager with affinities with data? A multi-disciplinary team? Let’s tackle this mandatory topic together. Cherry on the cake: the content of the job is the most important criteria to aspiring Data Scientists, way ahead of location, sector and even the compensation package. Therefore, a technical description with insights into the project goals and work conditions is a must.
→ A Job Description is written by experts for experts. One that fits your needs and is designed to attract.
Set ambitious but achievable objectives
Through a better understanding of your needs, we can challenge your business teams to fine-tune your data science ambitions to paint a more compelling assessment of the professional challenge, but also to calibrate more fairly the expectations of the function to avoid potential issues later in your employee's career.
→ Objectives and key results that motivate the new hire.
Find hidden candidates
Proactivity is key in a market where companies are battling for the best Data Science talent. Our experts are actively engaging with future talents at universities and stay up-to-date on the new trends in the field. With Way HR’s sourcing experience, we also have the required drive and experience to reach out to professionals who are not actively looking for a job.
→ Have access to candidates who are not applying. Do not wait for a top candidate, keep looking for it.
Screen core competences
With years of experience in performing data-centric projects but also hiring for our own consultancy, we can identify the most important criteria to proceed with an application.
Do you need hard-to-find coding skills in a specific language? We can assess if there are other ways for candidates to match your needs. The goal is not to reject any potential candidate for a single line on their resume and instead to identify the added value as soon as we are in contact with your candidates.
→ Do not lose a high-potential candidate for the wrong reasons. Don’t stop at keywords, screen with added value.
Select top candidates
The most predictive way to select a candidate is to put them in the conditions that best match the content of the job. That’s why we will design a tailored, case-based program to assess the business acumen and the technical capabilities that fit your organization's challenges/setup/technologies.
As data scientists are humans as well (yes, it’s true!), we also assess soft skills and relational and personality traits based on industry-standard frameworks familiar to the Way HR team.
→ A candidate assessment as close to the real job as possible, even if it doesn’t exist yet in your organisation. Assess. Predict. Select.
Create your success story
"What would make the first 6 months of our collaboration a success?" is a question we love to ask... and to answer. The first months of every new co-worker are always crucial. It's especially so with data scientists: getting to grips with the data sources, methodologies and learning more about the organizational constraints is a lot to process.
That's why we offer the (optional) possibility to combine the onboarding of your new data scientist with a first data science project, complete from scoping to the results. The mission is carried out in duo with an Agilytic expert to produce the first tangible results in a matter of weeks. This service is ideal for small to mid-sized structures to onboard your first data scientist.
→ First business results in a matter of weeks and a true onboarding of your new hire. We care about the ROI of external recruitment as much as you do.
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